How Many Years to Become a Neurosurgeon?

Neurosurgery Training Summary

The path to becoming a neurosurgeon is one of the longest and most intensive in all of medicine. Neurosurgeons, on the other hand, work with the brain, the spinal cord, and other parts of the nervous system, necessitating mastery and great precision on their part.

How to Be a Neurosurgeon

The journey to becoming a neurosurgeon involves a number of key stages, which are all important when it comes to learning the skills and knowledge you will need.

Undergraduate Education

Step 1 - Undergraduate Degree: The Journey Starts with a Bachelor (approx. 4 years) Most students major in pre-medicine, biology, or another science field preparing them for medical school.

Medical School

The second step post getting your bachelors is medical school; 4 years wherever you go. The program has two parts: the first two years involve classroom-based study in the medical sciences and the second two years are dedicated to clinical rotations across various medical specialties.

Residency Training

After medical school, the prospective neurosurgeon must complete a neurosurgical residency training program. This is the most extensive part of the neurosurgical training, for seven years in general. It involves real-world surgical residency, extensive medical schooling, and research opportunity. Depending on their specialization and part-time research engagements, development programs may also lengthen this training by one or two additional years.

Fellowship (Optional)

Many go on to fellowship programs to specialize in areas such as pediatric neurosurgery, spine surgery, or neuro-oncology. Fellowships are also, peaking 1 to 2 years that allow advanced, focused training in the area of neurosurgeon choice.

Total Years Required

It takes about 15-17 years of combined education and training as a full-fledged neurosurgeon. This timeline means at a minimum, 4 years of undergraduate, 4 years of medical school and 7 or more years of a residency. If a fellowship is attempted as well, it can reach 19 years.


The road to being a neurosurgeon is long one and takes a lot of hard work and endurance. The extensive training period required to operate on the most sensitive part of human? Knowing the time involved in this career is crucial for those who are considering the same. For further information about this lengthy educational journey, please continue to read on how many years does it take to be a neurosurgeon.

Aside from being one of the most intense and specialized courses of medicine, the rigorous training procedure guarantees that the end result, a neurosurgeon, is fully equipped to care for their patient at the highest level of care possible - making the many, many years spent preparing well worth the work.

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